Star Trek + Social Commentary (context in the captions)
THIS is what the original Star Trek TV series and films were about. Not just about blowing up things in space and snazzy lens flares with a side order of casual sexism -.-‘.
dude do you know how many people I have pissed off by saying the exact same thing?
Not enough people.
The good work is never finished. Spread that Good Trek News across the galaxy!
While I agree with OP’s sentiment, consider this: the new Star Trek, with its lens flares and stuff is a perfect gateway for people to discover and devour the rest of Star Trek. Remember that for every great episode of TNG or TOS, there was a shoot ‘em up, or a Code of Honor, or something similar.
So keep spreading the word about amazing Trek like the gifs here, but let’s be welcoming to the people who love the new Star Trek, and guide them to the social Star Trek we all love, instead of shaming them for liking what they like.
(via wilwheaton)
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