Quattroruote: Assemblato l'ultimo Wankel
(continua su Quattroruote)
via Braindead
La crisi del debito sovrano spiegata in zeneize
via Carlo Stagnaro in Chicago Blog
‘Na compagnía de amïxi s’assetta pe çenâ inte’n restorante ou bordu d’u mâ.
Primm-a de comandâ, i sun týtti d’accordiu che ciaschedun u paghià u seu cuntu. Quarchedun u comanda âgoste e champagne, ätri i…
La scrittrice Sally Quinn al New York Times parlando di Nora Ephron mancata ieri
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Basically, the Republican strategy for the past three years has been this:
1. Do everything humanly possible to prevent the economy from recovering.
2. Wait for 2012.
3. Run a campaign focused on the fact that the economy is lousy.
”—Kevin Drum (via wilwheaton)Charles Halsey
via ss64