Gentilissimo Ministro Dario Franceschini,
Gentilissima Dottoressa Anna Maria Buzzi,
Mi chiamo Michele Spellucci, sono un violoncellista, diplomato nel mio strumento con buoni voti al Conservatorio di Milano e specializzato a Vienna con un grandissimo maestro di chiara fama. Nella mia carriera…
ohhh… ooohhh…
Victory in Italy: Court rules Wikipedia “a service based on the freedom of the users”
via Braindead/MD
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(Horror) bedtime story from AixChange: Lessons from a Physical Server Move
(I miss very much the Horror Stories of LanTimes)
Quarantacinque anni fa tre americani arrivarono fino alla Luna. Oggi, invece, coi tomtom, sbagliare è quasi impossibile.
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and puppet manifests and old RHEL 3 configurations of servers yet online and…
Gizmodo: This Is The Room Where The Internet Was Born
For something as ubiquitous as the internet today, it certainly isn’t easy to find where it all started. I don’t mean historically, I mean logistically: 3420 Boelter Hall is a tiny room in a basement hallway of a large nondescript building on the sprawling UCLA campus[…]
Grazie MD
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